

Happy Birthday (in advanced!) MONA! :DD

Alhamdulillah, yesterday we had our usrah as usual.

This time it has been almost two weeks I did not meet my lovelies coz I was away from canterbury.
I had performed the pilgrimage in Makkah. subhanaAllah. what a refreshing experience indeed.
It absolutely has increased my love towards Rasulullah s.a.w, and I begin to appreciate the struggles that Rasulullah had to face in spreading the words of Allah in Makkah and Madinah. Indeed. If it is not the efforts from Rasulullah and Sahabah, we cannot even breath in Islam and iman (Nauzubillah), the biggest nikmat in life I would say.  and now, it's our responsbility to be the 'khaira ummatiin' to carry this message to the whole nation. (Please refer to Ali Imran, 3:110)

So what did we have for our usrah this time?
We are meeting for the sake of Allah and most importantly to recharge our iman from syaitan and nafsu.

Intan started our usrah with tilawah and tadabbur from surah al israa' (17: 18-27).
We mainly talked about iman, how to struggle to maintain our iman and not to follow the steps of syaitan and nafsu.
I remember what mona said during this tadabbur session, she said that, sometime we think that we had jihad enough for the sake of Allah, but in reality we are not even yet reach the first step of Jihad.
Please refer to refer to verse142 in Surah Ali Imran where Allah is being cynical by asking a rethorical question. It's only those who are berjihad di jalan Allah and bersabar will get the syurga from Allah T_T
Are we among of those people?

I also did mention about ilah (referring to verse 22)
'Janganlah Engkau mengadakan tuhan yangAllah, nanti engkau menjadi tercela dan terhina'. (Al-Isra' 17:22)

sometime we still do not fully submit to Allah. Why? because, sometime, we still make our 'facebook', 'twitter', 'instagram' as our 'ilah'. Sobss . Do we?

and plus, Allah also did mention about people who feel self-sufficient in doing amal (Al-Lail, 92:8). *poor me*

And this time, we have a special sharing from Mona.Yeay!
since we are approaching the month of exam, the mosttttt famous word that always related to exam issss, TAWAKKAL. but heyyy, Are we really understand the true of meaning of tawakkal?

Mona talked about one name of Allah, which is Al-Wakeel, which is taken from one youtube video.
I haven't had the chance yet to listen to the video but what Mona explained had really given me the glimpse of the video and increased my understanding of what is it really meant by al wakeel.

huu. We really have to put the highest trust in Allah, and the most important thing is to do our part.
Mona said that, it is only the heart that can 'tawakkal' to Allah, but our body should work hard as best as we can. After all the efforts, then put the highest tawakkal to Allah Yeah. This is the real meaning of tawakkal!

andddddd last but not leasttt, the most exciting part of this usrah,
is the prank for Mona's birthday. Though it's 5 days early, I think we managed to make it a successful one!  ^_^ yeay!

ok thats enough for today. Had to continue to work on my dissertation. Please pray for me pleasee.
all the best everyone!
Enjoy your holiday Mona with your love oness!

to syida n intan, all the best in your study heheh :D study smart :D good luck in your exam and assessment!
Yosh!! ^_^

may Allah grant us with the steadfastness of iman and amal insyaAllah.

jazakamullah khairan everyone :)

don't forget to tilawah and tadabbur everyday kay! ^_^
till we meet again :)
lots of love from your dearest kakak,
kak piqa <3


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